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J.P. Prag
Sep 4, 2023
President's Speech at College Graduation Goes Far off the Rails {Vocal Edition}
Students at Castleton University surprised to find themselves in the independent leader's crosshairs

J.P. Prag
Aug 28, 2023
The Secret Wars the President Does Not Want You to Know About {Vocal Edition}
Could the United States be behind uprisings around the world, all while claiming to be the harbingers of peace?

J.P. Prag
Aug 25, 2023
Launching October 17, 2023...
Compendium of Humanity's End

J.P. Prag
Aug 21, 2023
Peace in Our Lifetime? President Tackles Israeli-Palestinian Conflict {Vocal Edition}
With flattery, persuasion, and finally outright threats, an unusual process has been kicked off in the Middle East

J.P. Prag
Aug 14, 2023
President Decrees America is the Most Communist National on Earth {Vocal Edition}
Get ready to drop the blue and white and have a while lot more red in that flag

J.P. Prag
Aug 7, 2023
For Women's History Month, President Blasts the Rest of the World {Vocal Edition}
Read the full speech before the Sonoma County Commission on the Status of Women

J.P. Prag
Jul 31, 2023
President Wants to Downsize Military, Legalize Drugs and Prostitution {Vocal Edition}
These are among the White House's plans to balance the budget and fix the economy

J.P. Prag
Jul 24, 2023
The End of Delaware Being a Tax Haven Finally at Hand? {Vocal Edition}
President proposes eliminating loophole that allows companies to avoid paying their taxes

J.P. Prag
Jul 17, 2023
High School Graduates Not Equipped for "Adulting", President Says {Vocal Edition}
White House proposes mandatory "two years of service" for every young person

J.P. Prag
Jul 10, 2023
Climate Change is a Security Issue, President Insists {Vocal Edition}
State of the Union addresses key topics related to water, energy, electric cars, carbon, and... a space elevator?

J.P. Prag
Jul 3, 2023
Is America on the Cusp of a Healthcare Revolution? {Vocal Edition}
President uses State of the Union address to propose a variety of changes to the entire medical services and delivery industry

J.P. Prag
Jun 26, 2023
President Attacks Rather than Addresses Congress in First State of the Union {Vocal Edition}
In a rare first-year visit, President tries shaming Congress into action

J.P. Prag
Jun 19, 2023
What Was in the Latest Set of Executive Orders? {Vocal Edition}
The President has sent out a wide range of requests to the various "Supervisors" of the Cabinet and their subordinates

J.P. Prag
Jun 12, 2023
President "Can't Understand" Government {Vocal Edition}
Mass changes proposed to the Cabinet, precursor to Congressional action

J.P. Prag
Jun 5, 2023
On a "Quiet" Day, President Kicks out Reporters and Toddlers, Invites in Sheep {Vocal Edition}
White House tries to bring order to chaos with chaotic announcements about order

J.P. Prag
May 29, 2023
President's First Priority? Aliens from Outer Space {Vocal Edition}
While extraterrestrials were not found, the United States government was hiding something much more nefarious

J.P. Prag
May 22, 2023
President to Apply "Nutritional Facts Labels" to Foreign Countries {Vocal Edition}
Americans put in danger by rash act to give every nation in the world a "freedom score"

J.P. Prag
May 15, 2023
Full Citizenship Extended to American "Nationals" {Vocal Edition}
President finds a way to bypass Congress, the Supreme Court, and the written law

J.P. Prag
May 8, 2023
Race to the 51st State: Puerto Rico vs. D.C. vs. Everywhere Else {Vocal Edition}
With the President's backing, will the territories of the United States ascend to Statehood or, perhaps, finally be free?

J.P. Prag
May 5, 2023
Compendium of Humanity's End (Hard SciFi) {Kindle Vella}
Was the emergence of life a mistake? The universe's oldest human Marco Chung may believe so, and that it’s up to him to correct the error.

J.P. Prag
May 1, 2023
After Bulldozing Internationalism, President Announces "New Manifest Destiny" {Vocal Edition}
Which nations are most likely to join an expanded United States?

J.P. Prag
Apr 24, 2023
Allies Protest Recall of American Troops {Vocal Edition}
No more "World Police" if the President's new policy is implemented

J.P. Prag
Apr 17, 2023
United States Set to Leave and Abolish United Nations {Vocal Edition}
President unleashes harsh tirade on failings of the transnational organization before orchestrating its ultimate demise

J.P. Prag
Apr 10, 2023
Fears Mount over Unilateral Nuclear Disarmament {Vocal Edition}
Is the world getting closer to nuclear disaster because of the President's actions?
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