It's Past Time for Term Limits {Vocal Edition}
Sorry, we're going to have to cut your hours {Vocal Edition}
Payroll Reduction for Congress {Vocal Edition}
Real Law about Onion Rings Made From Diced Onions {Vocal Edition}
Radical Plan: Make Congress Actually Vote! {Vocal Edition}
How to Force Congress to Do Some Work for a Change {Vocal Edition}
Alaska Should Have 19 Senators {Vocal Edition}
How We Can Have Actual Representation in Government {Vocal Edition}
Yes, Congress Really is a Bunch of Old, Rich, White, Christian, Hetero, Misaligned Men {Vocal Ed.}
Winner Takes All is a Losers System {Vocal Edition}
Congress: An Intentional Giant Mess from the Start {Vocal Edition}
The Dreadful Compromises that Created America {Vocal Edition}
Agreeing with my Enemy {Vocal Edition}
Empathy // Rediscovered {Vocal Edition}
Do 10 Minutes of Research {Vocal Edition}
Race and Ethnicity are Meaningless Human Constructs {Vocal Edition}
2022+ Implications for 2020 Failings {Vocal Edition}
One More Seat at the Table {Vocal Edition}
Demand More than Justice {Vocal Edition}
Ending the Tyranny of Mitch McConnell {Vocal Edition}
Part-Time // Citizen Legislature {Vocal Edition}